Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Art update!

Spent some time adding the new art from our great artist! I can't believe it's actually starting to look like a proper game now.

There are now 4 different 2-player ship load-outs to playtest and they all seem pretty fun so far. I feel like we're probably about 2 months away from release wheee!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New energy minigame

The last one was a bit too complicated so I thought I'd go simpler with this one. Still pretty to make energy!

Monday, December 14, 2015

New repair minigame

Had an idea for an alternate repair minigame, Luckily it turned out just as fun as it was in my head. The touch controls are a bit awkward due to not being able to see under your fat fingers but it still plays fine.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

We have an artist!

I haven't been posting too much here recently because all my bad programmer art just makes everything look like a mess. That's all going to change now because we have an actual artist working for us: Eric Eneback

Here's a sneak peak of our cool spacey background!